
Spine2d bone stretch
Spine2d bone stretch

If you're using Debut, however, this will not work since custom meshes are not supported in that version.

spine2d bone stretch

If you're using Moho Pro, you would do better to manually create your own mesh and use Smart Bones to correct the deformations. If you have trouble controlling the internally generated mesh (i.e., the 'shrinking',) it may be because the resolution of the mesh is inadequate. The layers moved together and are meshed to each other which is what I want but once rotating them to the inside of the character part of the layers shrink. Option 3: Using "Selected Bones For Flexi-Binding" seems to work better then the other options. Option 2: If I don't bind anything and just leave the bones like they are when you add them, the layers will stretch everywhere when I move the bones. When you move the bones all of the layers move but you can see the cut out from the separated layers. Option 1: I bind the bones to the specific image layer, the result is that the layers don't mesh with the others. I have done different techniques on animating an image. However, when I add the bones and try to move them, part of other layers stretches. When I import that into Moho I get all of the layers exactly like I wanted.

spine2d bone stretch

In Photoshop is easier and there are better tools. The thing is that I don't like drawing in Moho (Anime Studio) just because it doesn't have the same feel like in Photoshop.


Hello, I am getting into 2D animation now and I want to know how to properly animate an image.

Spine2d bone stretch